Oak Examples



Axioms and results for sets.


include "naturals.oak"

# Tao - Analysis I - Definition 3.1.4
set_equality: axiom for all A,B in Set,
  A = B iff for all x, x is in A iff x is in B

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.2
empty_def: axiom define ∅ in Set such that there is no x in ∅

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.3 (extended)
set_literal: axiom define {} such that for all x,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,
  {a} is in Set and
  {a,b} is in Set and
  {a,b,c} is in Set and
  {a,b,c,d} is in Set and
  {a,b,c,d,e} is in Set and
  {a,b,c,d,e,f} is in Set and
  {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} is in Set and
  (x is in {a} iff x=a) and
  (x is in {a,b} iff x=a or x=b) and
  (x is in {a,b,c} iff x=a or x=b or x=c) and
  (x is in {a,b,c,d} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d) and
  (x is in {a,b,c,d,e} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e) and
  (x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f) and
  (x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f or x=g)

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.5
specify: axiom for all A in Set and p,
  for some S in Set, for all x, x is in S iff x is in A and p[x]

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.6
replace: axiom for all A in Set and op,
	for some B in Set, for all y, y is in B iff for some x in A, op[x] = y

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.7
infinity: axiom N is in Set

# basic property of a function
function1: axiom define Function such that for all f in Function,
	domain[f] is in Set and range[f] is in Set and
    for all x in domain[f], f[x] is in range[f]

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.10
function2: axiom define Functions such that for all A,B in Set,
	Functions[A,B] is in Set and for all x, x is in Functions[A,B] iff
		x is in Function and domain[x] = A and range[x] = B

# Tao - Analysis I - Definition 3.3.1
function3: axiom for all op and A,B in Set,
	if for all a in A, op[a] is in B, then
		for some f in Functions[A,B], for all a in A, f[a] = op[a]

# Tao - Analysis I - Axiom 3.11
union: axiom for all A in Set where for all x in A, x is in Set,
  for some B in Set, for all x, x is in B iff for some C in A, x is in C


tie-in `N` with `N is in Set` by infinity

tie-in `f is in Functions[A,B]` with
	`if A is in Set and B is in Set and f is in Functions[A,B] then
		f is in Function and domain[f] = A and range[f] = B`
			for all f,A,B
				by function2

tie-in `domain[f]` with
  `if f is in Function then domain[f] is in Set` for all f
    by function1

tie-in `range[f]` with
  `if f is in Function then range[f] is in Set` for all f
    by function1

tie-in `{a}` with `{a} is in Set` for all a by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b}` with `{a,b} is in Set` for all a,b by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b,c}` with `{a,b,c} is in Set` for all a,b,c by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b,c,d}` with `{a,b,c,d} is in Set` for all a,b,c,d by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e}` with `{a,b,c,d,e} is in Set` for all a,b,c,d,e
  by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e,f}` with `{a,b,c,d,e,f} is in Set` for all a,b,c,d,e,f
	by set_literal
tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e,f,g}` with `{a,b,c,d,e,f,g} is in Set` for all a,b,c,d,e,f,g
	by set_literal

1_set: for all a,x, x is in {a} iff x=a by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a}` with `x is in {a} iff x=a` for all x,a by 1_set

2_set: for all a,b,x, x is in {a,b} iff x=a or x=b by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b}` with `x is in {a,b} iff x=a or x=b` for all x,a,b
	by 2_set

3_set: for all a,b,c,x, x is in {a,b,c} iff x=a or x=b or x=c by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b,c}` with `x is in {a,b,c} iff x=a or x=b or x=c`
	for all x,a,b,c
		by 3_set

4_set: for all a,b,c,d,x, x is in {a,b,c,d} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d
	by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b,c,d}` with
	`x is in {a,b,c,d} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d`
		for all x,a,b,c,d
			by 4_set

5_set: for all a,b,c,d,e,x,
  x is in {a,b,c,d,e} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e
		by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b,c,d,e}` with
	`x is in {a,b,c,d,e} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e`
		for all x,a,b,c,d,e
			by 5_set

6_set: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,x,
  x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f
		by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f}` with
	`x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f`
		for all x,a,b,c,d,e,f
			by 6_set

7_set: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,g,x,
  x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f or x=g
		by set_literal

tie-in `x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}` with
	`x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} iff x=a or x=b or x=c or x=d or x=e or x=f
			or x = g`
		for all x,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
			by 7_set

set_not_empty: for all S in Set where S != ∅, there is an x in S
	by empty_def,set_equality

subset_def: define ⊆ such that for all A,B,
	A ⊆ B iff A is in Set and B is in Set and
		for all x in A, x is in B
			by property22

tie-in `A ⊆ B` with `A ⊆ B implies A is in Set and B is in Set` for all A,B
  by subset_def

proper_subset_def: define ⊂ such that for all A,B,
	A ⊂ B iff	A is in Set and B is in Set and
		(A ⊆ B and for some x in B, x is not in A)
			by property22

tie-in `A ⊂ B` with `A ⊂ B implies A is in Set and B is in Set` for all A,B
  by proper_subset_def

tie-in `A ⊂ B` with `A ⊂ B implies A ⊆ B` for all A,B
  by proper_subset_def

empty_subset: for all S in Set, ∅ ⊆ S by subset_def,empty_def

subset_empty: for all x ⊆ ∅, x = ∅ by subset_def,empty_def,set_not_empty

subset_transitive: for all A,B,C in Set, if A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C, then A ⊆ C
  by subset_def

disjoint_def: define disjoint such that for all A,B,
	disjoint[A,B] iff A is in Set and B is in Set and
    for no x, x is in A and x is in B
      by property22

union_def: define ∪ such that for all A,B in Set,
	A ∪ B is in Set and for all x,
    x is in A ∪ B iff x is in A or x is in B
	q_def: for some q, for all A,B,C, q[A,B,C] iff
		A is in Set and B is in Set and C is in Set and
		for all x, x is in C iff x is in A or x is in B
			by property222
	take any A,B in Set
    for all S in {A,B}, S is in Set by set_literal
    so for some C in Set, for all x,
      x is in C iff for some S in {A,B}, x is in S
        by union
		1: so for some C in Set, q[A,B,C] by q_def,set_literal
		for at most one C in Set, q[A,B,C] by set_equality,q_def
	so for some f, for all A,B,C in Set, f[A,B] = C iff q[A,B,C] by operation222
	so thesis by q_def,1

tie-in `A ∪ B` with `if A is in Set and B is in Set then A ∪ B is in Set`
	for all A,B
		by union_def

tie-in `x is in A ∪ B` with `if A is in Set and B is in Set then
  (x is in A ∪ B iff x is in A or x is in B)`
		for all x,A,B
			by union_def

union_empty: for all A in Set, A ∪ ∅ = A
  by union_def,empty_def,set_equality

union_assoc: for all A,B,C in Set, (A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C)
  take any A,B,C in Set
    for all x in (A ∪ B) ∪ C, x is in A ∪ (B ∪ C) by union_def
    for all x in A ∪ (B ∪ C), x is in (A ∪ B) ∪ C by union_def
    so (A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C) by set_equality

subset_union: for all A,B,C in Set, if A ⊆ C and B ⊆ C then A ∪ B ⊆ C
  by subset_def,union,union_def,union_assoc

setdiff_def: define - such that for all A,B in Set,
	A - B is in Set and for all x,
		x is in A - B iff x is in A and x is not in B
	q_def: for some q, for all A,B,C, q[A,B,C] iff
		A is in Set and B is in Set and C is in Set and
		for all x, x is in C iff x is in A and x is not in B
			by property222
	take any A,B in Set
		for some p, for all x, p[x] iff x is in A and x is not in B by property2
		for some C in Set, for all x, x is in C iff x is in A and p[x] by specify
		1: so for some C in Set, q[A,B,C] by q_def
		for at most one C in Set, q[A,B,C] by set_equality,q_def
	so for some f, for all A,B,C in Set, f[A,B] = C iff q[A,B,C] by operation222
	so thesis by q_def,1

tie-in `A-B` with `if A is in Set and B is in Set then A-B is in Set`
  for all A,B
    by setdiff_def

setdiff_element: for all S in Set, for all d in S, S-{d} ⊂ S
	take any S in Set and d in S
		S-{d} ⊆ S by setdiff_def,subset_def
		d is not in S-{d} by setdiff_def,1_set
		so S-{d} ⊂ S by proper_subset_def

setdiff_self: for all A,B in Set, A-B ⊆ A
  by setdiff_def,subset_def

setdiff_proper: for all A,B in Set where for some x in B, x is in A, A-B ⊂ A
  take any A,B in Set
    suppose for some x in B, x is in A
      A-B ⊆ A by setdiff_self
      x is not in A-B by setdiff_def
      so A-B ⊂ A by proper_subset_def

setdiff_subset: for all A,B,C in Set, if A ⊆ B, then A-C ⊆ B
  by setdiff_def,setdiff_self,subset_transitive

subset_diff: for all A,B,C in Set, if A ⊆ B, then A-C ⊆ B-C
	take 1: any A,B,C in Set where A ⊆ B
		take any x in A-C
			so x is in A and x is not in C by setdiff_def
			so x is in B and x is not in C by 1,subset_def
			so x is in B-C by setdiff_def
		so A-C ⊆ B-C by subset_def

set_drop_two: for all S in Set and x,y, (S-{x})-{y} = S-{x,y}
  take any S in Set and x,y
		take any d in (S-{x})-{y}
			so d is in S-{x,y} by setdiff_def,1_set,2_set
		take any d in S-{x,y}
			so d is in (S-{x})-{y} by setdiff_def,1_set,2_set
		so (S-{x})-{y} = S-{x,y} by set_equality

set_add_drop: for all S in Set and c where c is not in S,
  S = (S ∪ {c}) - {c}
  take any S in Set and c where c is not in S
    so for all x, x is in S iff x is in (S ∪ {c}) - {c}
      by 1_set,setdiff_def,union_def
  so thesis by set_equality

set_drop_add: for all S in Set and c in S,
  S = (S - {c}) ∪ {c}
  take any S in Set and c in S
    so for all x, x is in S iff x is in (S - {c}) ∪ {c}
      by 1_set,setdiff_def,union_def
  so thesis by set_equality

image_def: define image such that for all f in Function and S in Set,
	image[f,S] is in Set and for all y,
		y is in image[f,S] iff for some x in S, f[x] = y
	q_def: for some q, for all f,S,T, q[f,S,T] iff
		f is in Function and S is in Set and T is in Set and
			(S is in Set and for all y, y is in T iff for some x in S, f[x] = y)
				by property222
	for all f in Function and S in Set, for at most one T in Set, q[f,S,T]
		by set_equality,q_def
	so op_def: for some op, for all f in Function and S,T in Set,
		op[f,S] = T iff q[f,S,T]
			by operation222
	take any f in Function and S in Set
		for some T in Set, for all y, y is in T iff for some x in S, f[x] = y
			by replace
		so q[f,S,T] by q_def
		so op[f,S] is in Set by op_def
	so thesis by q_def,op_def

tie-in `image[f,S]` with
  `if f is in Function and S is in Set, then image[f,S] is in Set`
    for all f,S
      by image_def

image_subset: for all f in Function and S in Set,
  if S ⊆ domain[f] then image[f,S] ⊆ range[f]
    by image_def,subset_def,function1

one_to_one: define one_to_one such that for all f in Function and S in Set,
	one_to_one[f,S] iff for all x,y in S where x != y, f[x] != f[y]
		by property22a

biject_def: define bijection such that
	for all f in Function and A,B in Set,
		bijection[f,A,B] iff
			(for all x in A, f[x] is in B) and # subset
			one_to_one[f,A] and # one-to-one
			(for all y in B, for some x in A, f[x] = y) # onto
				by property222a

biject_empty: for all f in Function, for all S in Set,
	if bijection[f,S,∅] or bijection[f,∅,S], then S = ∅
		by empty_def,biject_def,set_equality

biject_reflexive: for all A in Set, for some f in Functions[A,A],
	take any A in Set
		so for all x in A, for at most one y in A, x = y
		so for some op, for all x,y in A, op[x] = y iff x = y by operation22
		so for some f in Functions[A,A], for all x in A, f[x] = x by function3
		so bijection[f,A,A] by biject_def,one_to_one

biject_symmetric: for all A,B in Set,
	if for some f in Function, bijection[f,A,B], then
    for some g in Functions[B,A], bijection[g,B,A]
	take any A,B in Set
		suppose 1: for some f in Function, bijection[f,A,B]
			for all b in B, for at most one a in A, f[a] = b
				by 1,biject_def,one_to_one
			so for some op, for all b in B and a in A, op[b] = a iff f[a] = b
				by operation22
			for all b in B, for some a in A, f[a] = b by 1,biject_def
			so for some g in Functions[B,A], for all b in B and a in A,
				g[b] = a iff f[a] = b
					by function3
			so bijection[g,B,A] by biject_def,one_to_one,1

biject_transitive: for all A,B,C in Set,
	if for some f,g in Function, bijection[f,A,B] and bijection[g,B,C], then
		for some h in Functions[A,C], bijection[h,A,C]
	take any A,B,C in Set
		suppose 1: for some f,g in Function, bijection[f,A,B] and bijection[g,B,C]
			for all a in A, for at most one c in C, g[f[a]] = c
			so for some op, for all a in A and c in C, op[a] = c iff g[f[a]] = c
				by operation22
			for all a in A, for some c in C, g[f[a]] = c by 1,biject_def
			so 2: for some h in Functions[A,C], for all a in A and c in C,
				h[a] = g[f[a]]
					by function3
			for all a in A, h[a] is in C by biject_def,1,2
				take any a1,a2 in A where a1 != a2
					so f[a1] != f[a2] by biject_def,1,one_to_one
					so g[f[a1]] != g[f[a2]] by biject_def,1,one_to_one
					so h[a1] != h[a2] by biject_def,1,2
				so one_to_one[h,A] by one_to_one
			for all c in C, for some a in A, h[a] = c by biject_def,1,2
			so bijection[h,A,C] by biject_def

before_def: define before such that for all n in N,
	before[n] is in Set and for all x,
		x is in before[n] iff x is in N and x < n
	p_def: for some p, for all n in N and S in Set, p[n,S] iff
		for all x, x is in S iff x is in N and x < n
			by property22a
	for all n in N, for at most one S in Set, p[n,S]
		by set_equality,p_def
	so op_def: for some op, for all n in N and S in Set, op[n] = S iff p[n,S]
		by operation22
	take any n in N
		for some q, for all x in N, q[x] iff x < n by property2a
		so for some S in Set, p[n,S] by specify,p_def
	so thesis by p_def,op_def

tie-in `before[n]` with `if n is in N then before[n] is in Set` for all n
  by before_def

tie-in `x is in before[n]` with
  `if n is in N and x is in before[n] then x is in N`
    for all n,x
      by before_def

before_sub: for all n in N, before[n] ⊆ before[n+1]
	by nat_closed_add,before_def,ineq_add_right,subset_def

before_incl: for all n in N, n is in before[n+1]
	by nat_closed_add,nat_ineq_2,before_def

before_excl: for all n in N, n is not in before[n]
	by before_def,total_order

before_empty: for all n in N, before[n] = ∅ iff n = 0
	before[0] = ∅ by before_def,empty_def,nonnegative,set_equality
	for all n in N, if before[n] = ∅ then n = 0
		by ineq_def,nat_if_not_0,nat_reduce,before_def,empty_def

before_drop: for all n in N, before[n+1]-{n} = before[n]
	take any n in N
		take any x in before[n+1]-{n}
			x is in before[n+1] by setdiff_def
			so x < n+1 by before_def
			x != n by 1_set,setdiff_def
			so x is in before[n] by before_def,nat_ineq_2,setdiff_def
		take any x in before[n]
			x is in before[n+1] by before_sub,subset_def
			x is not in {n} by total_order,before_def
			so x is in before[n+1]-{n} by setdiff_def
    so before[n+1]-{n} = before[n] by set_equality

before_zero: for all n in N where n != 0, 0 is in before[n]
  by before_def,nonnegative,total_order

# from Tao - Analysis I
lemma_3.6.8: for all S in Set and n in N,
	if for some f in Function, bijection[f, S, before[n+1]], then
    for all x in S, for some f in Functions[S-{x}, before[n]],
			bijection[f, S-{x}, before[n]]
	take any S in Set and n in N
		suppose 1: for some f in Function, bijection[f, S, before[n+1]]
			take any z in S
				2: for some g in Functions[S-{z}, before[n]], for all x in S-{z},
					(if f[x] = n then g[x] = f[z]) and
					(if f[x] != n then g[x] = f[x])
					p_def: for some p, for all x in S-{z} and y in before[n], p[x,y] iff
						(if f[x] = n then y = f[z]) and
						(if f[x] != n then y = f[x])
              by property22a
					for all x in S-{z}, for at most one y in before[n], p[x,y] by p_def
					so 2a: for some op, for all x in S-{z} and y in before[n],
						op[x] = y iff p[x,y]
							by operation22
					take any x in S-{z}
						3: x is in S and x != z by setdiff_def,1_set
						if f[x] = n then for some y in before[n], p[x,y]
							by 1,biject_def,one_to_one,3,nat_ineq_2,before_def,p_def
						if f[x] != n then for some y in before[n], p[x,y]
							by 1,biject_def,before_drop,setdiff_def,p_def,set_literal
						so for some y in before[n], p[x,y]
          so for all x in S-{z}, op[x] is in before[n] by 2a
					so for some g in Functions[S-{z}, before[n]],
						for all x in S-{z}, g[x] = op[x]
							by function3
					so thesis by p_def,function1,2a

				one_to_one[g, S-{z}] proof
					for all x,y in S-{z} where x != y, g[x] != g[y]
						by 2,1,biject_def,one_to_one,setdiff_def,1_set
					so thesis by one_to_one

				for all y in before[n], for some x in S-{z}, g[x] = y proof
					take any y in before[n]
						y is in before[n+1] by before_sub,subset_def
						so 4: for some x in S, f[x] = y by 1,biject_def
						if x != z then x is in S-{z} and g[x] = y
							by 1_set,setdiff_def,before_excl,2,4
						suppose 5: x = z
							6: for some xf in S, f[xf] = n
                by 1,biject_def,nat_ineq_2,before_def
							f[z] != n by 4,5,before_excl
							so 7: xf is in S-{z} by 6,setdiff_def,1_set
							g[xf] = f[z] by 7,6,2
							so xf is in S-{z} and g[xf] = y by 7,4,5

				so bijection[g, S-{z}, before[n]] by biject_def,function1

card_def: define || such that for all S in Set and n in N,
	(if |S| = n then
		for some f in Functions[S,before[n]], bijection[f,S,before[n]])
	and if for some f in Function, bijection[f,S,before[n]] then
		|S| = n
	1: for some q, for all S in Set and n in N,
		q[S,n] iff for some f in Function, bijection[f,S,before[n]]
			by property22a
	P_def: for some P, for all n in N,
		P[n] iff for all S in Set, if q[S,n] then
			for all m in N, q[S,m] implies m = n
				by property2a
	P[0] by P_def,before_empty,biject_empty,before_def,1
	take hyp: any n in N where P[n]
		take 2: any S in Set where q[S,n+1]
			suppose 3: for some m in N, q[S,m]
				if S = ∅, then n+1 = 0 by 1,2,biject_empty,before_def,before_empty
				so there is an x in S by not_plus_one_equal_zero,empty_def,set_equality
				so m != 0 by 3,1,before_empty,biject_empty,empty_def
				so 4: for some l in N, l+1 = m by nat_reduce
				for some f in Functions[S-{x}, before[n]],
					bijection[f, S-{x}, before[n]]
						by lemma_3.6.8,1,2
				for some f in Functions[S-{x}, before[l]],
					bijection[f, S-{x}, before[l]]
            by lemma_3.6.8,1,3,4
				so n = l by hyp,P_def,1
				so m = n+1 by 4
		so P[n+1] by P_def
	so for all n in N, P[n] by induction
  so for all S in Set, for at most one n in N, q[S,n] by P_def
  so 5: for some op, for all S in Set and n in N, op[S] = n iff q[S,n]
		by operation22
	# having showed it for Function, now show it for Functions[S,before[n]]
	take any S in Set and n in N
		suppose op[S] = n
			so 6: for some f in Function, bijection[f,S,before[n]] by 1,5
			7: for some g in Functions[S,before[n]], for all x in S, g[x] = f[x]
				by function3,biject_def,6
			one_to_one[g,S] by one_to_one,6,biject_def,7
			so bijection[g,S,before[n]] by biject_def,6,7
	so thesis by 1,5

finite_def: define finite such that for all S in Set,
	finite[S] iff |S| is in N
		by property2a

tie-in `finite[S]` with `if S is in Set and finite[S] then |S| is in N`
  for all S
    by finite_def

infinite_def: define infinite such that for all S in Set,
  infinite[S] iff not finite[S]
		by property2a

card_add: for all S in Set, for all w in S where finite[S-{w}],
	finite[S] and |S| = |S-{w}| + 1
	take any S in Set and w in S where finite[S-{w}]
		A_def: let A = S-{w}

		1: so for some k in N and f in Function with k = |A|,
			bijection[f,A,before[k]] by card_def,A_def,function2

		types: A is in Set and {w} is in Set by A_def

		2: for all x in S, x = w or x is in A
			by 1_set,A_def,setdiff_def
		3: for all x in A, x is in S
			by A_def,setdiff_def
		4: for no x in S, x = w and x is in A
			by A_def,1_set,setdiff_def

		g_def: for some g in Functions[S, before[k+1]], for all x in S,
			(if x = w then g[x] = k) and
			(if x is in A then g[x] = f[x])
			p_def: for some p, for all x in S and y in before[k+1], p[x,y] iff
				(if x = w then y = k) and
				(if x is in A then y = f[x])
          by property22a
			for all x in S,	for at most one y in before[k+1], p[x,y]
				by A_def,1_set,setdiff_def,p_def
			so op_def: for some op, for all x in S and y in before[k+1],
				op[x] = y iff p[x,y]
					by operation22
			take any x in S
				if x is in A then f[x] is in before[k] by biject_def,1,types
				so if x is in A then for some y in before[k+1], p[x,y]
					by before_sub,subset_def,p_def,4
				if x = w then for some y in before[k+1], p[x,y] by before_incl,p_def,4
				so for some y in before[k+1], p[x,y] by 2
			so for some g in Functions[S, before[k+1]], for all x in S, g[x] = op[x]
				by function3,op_def
			so thesis by p_def,function1,op_def

		take any x,y in S with x != y
			if x is in A and y is in A, then g[x] != g[y]
				by one_to_one,types,biject_def,g_def,1
			if x = w or y = w, then g[x] != g[y]
				by g_def,biject_def,types,1,before_excl,2
		so one_to_one[g,S] by one_to_one,2
		take any y in before[k+1]
			if y = k, then g[w] = y by g_def
			suppose y != k
				so y is in before[k] by setdiff_def,before_drop,set_literal
				so for some x in A, f[x] = y by 1,types,biject_def
				so g[x] = y by g_def,3
			so for some x in S, g[x] = y by 3
		so bijection[g, S, before[k+1]] by biject_def,function1

		so |S| = k+1 by card_def
		so finite[S] and |S| = |S-{w}|+1 by finite_def,A_def

card_add2: for all finite S in Set and c not in S,
  |S ∪ {c}| = |S| + 1
  take any finite S in Set and c not in S
    so S = (S ∪ {c}) - {c} by set_add_drop
    c is in S ∪ {c}
    so |S ∪ {c}| = |S| + 1 by card_add

card_0: |∅| = 0
	by before_empty,biject_reflexive,card_def,function2

card_1: for all a, |{a}| = 1
	take any a
		|∅ ∪ {a}| = |∅| + 1 by card_add2,finite_def,card_0,empty_def
		so |∅ ∪ {a}| = 1 by plus_0,add_commute,card_0
		{a} = ∅ ∪ {a} by set_equality,union_def,union_empty

card_2: for all a,b where a != b, |{a,b}| = 2
	take any a,b with a != b
		{a,b} = {a} ∪ {b} by set_equality,1_set,union_def,2_set
		|{a} ∪ {b}| = 2 by card_add2,1_set,finite_def,card_1,2_def

card_3: for all a,b,c, if a != b and a != c and b != c, then |{a,b,c}| = 3
	take any a,b,c with a != b and a != c and b != c
		{a,b,c} = {a,b} ∪ {c} by set_equality,1_set,2_set,union_def,3_set
		|{a,b} ∪ {c}| = 3 by card_add2,2_set,finite_def,card_2,3_def

card_4: for all a,b,c,d,
  if a != b and a != c and a != d and b != c and b != d and c != d
	then |{a,b,c,d}| = 4
	take any a,b,c,d with a != b and a != c and a != d and
												b != c and b != d and c != d
		{a,b,c,d} = {a,b,c} ∪ {d} by set_equality,1_set,3_set,union_def,4_set
		|{a,b,c} ∪ {d}| = 4 by card_add2,3_set,finite_def,card_3,4_def

card_5: for all a,b,c,d,e,
  if a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and b != c and b != d and
		 b != e and c != d and c != e and d != e,
  then |{a,b,c,d,e}| = 5
	take any a,b,c,d,e with a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and b != c and
												  b != d and b != e and c != d and c != e and d != e
		take any x
			x is in {a,b,c,d,e} iff x is in {a,b,c,d} ∪ {e}
		so {a,b,c,d,e} = {a,b,c,d} ∪ {e} by set_equality
		|{a,b,c,d} ∪ {e}| = 5 by card_add2,4_set,finite_def,card_4,5_def

card_6: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,
  if a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f and b != c and b != d
	and b != e and b != f and c != d and c != e and c != f and d != e and d != f
	and e != f,
  then |{a,b,c,d,e,f}| = 6
	take any a,b,c,d,e,f with a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f
			and b != c and b != d and b != e and b != f and c != d and c != e and
			c != f and d != e and d != f and e != f
		take any x
			x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f} iff x is in {a,b,c,d,e} ∪ {f}
		so {a,b,c,d,e,f} = {a,b,c,d,e} ∪ {f} by set_equality
		|{a,b,c,d,e} ∪ {f}| = 6 by card_add2,5_set,finite_def,card_5,6_def

card_7: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,g,
  if a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f and a != g and b != c
	and b != d and b != e and b != f and b != g and c != d and c != e and c != f
	and c != g and d != e and d != f and d != g and e != f and e != g and f != g,
  then |{a,b,c,d,e,f,g}| = 7
	take any a,b,c,d,e,f,g with a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f
			and a != g and b != c and b != d and b != e and b != f and b != g and
			c != d and c != e and c != f and c != g and d != e and d != f and d != g
			and e != f and e != g and f != g
		take any x
			x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} iff x is in {a,b,c,d,e,f} ∪ {g}
		so {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} = {a,b,c,d,e,f} ∪ {g} by set_equality
		|{a,b,c,d,e,f} ∪ {g}| = 7 by card_add2,6_set,finite_def,card_6,7_def

card_2_same: for all a, |{a,a}| = 1
	take any a
		{a,a} = {a} by 2_set,1_set,set_equality
		so |{a,a}| = 1 by card_1

card_2_bound: for all a,b, |{a,b}| is in N and |{a,b}| <= 2
	take any a,b
		if a = b then |{a,b}| = 1 by card_2_same
		if a != b then |{a,b}| = 2 by card_2
	so thesis by 1_less_2

card_3_bound: for all a,b,c, |{a,b,c}| is in N and |{a,b,c}| <= 3
	take any a,b,c
		there is a more with more = {a,b,c}
		there is a less with less = {b,c}
		1: |less| is in N and |less| <= 2 by card_2_bound
		suppose a is in less
			so less = more by set_equality,2_set,3_set
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 3 by nat_ineq_2,3_def,1
		suppose 2: a is not in less
			take any x
				x is in more iff x is in less ∪ {a} by 2_set,3_set
			so more = less ∪ {a} by set_equality
			so |more| = |less| + 1 by card_add2,1,finite_def,2
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 3 by ineq_add,3_def,1

card_4_bound: for all a,b,c,d, |{a,b,c,d}| is in N and |{a,b,c,d}| <= 4
	take any a,b,c,d
		there is a more with more = {a,b,c,d}
		there is a less with less = {b,c,d}
		1: |less| is in N and |less| <= 3 by card_3_bound
		suppose a is in less
			so less = more by set_equality,3_set,4_set
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 4 by nat_ineq_2,4_def,1
		suppose 2: a is not in less
			take any x
				x is in more iff x is in less ∪ {a} by 3_set,4_set
			so more = less ∪ {a} by set_equality
			so |more| = |less| + 1 by card_add2,1,finite_def,2
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 4 by ineq_add,4_def,1

card_5_bound: for all a,b,c,d,e, |{a,b,c,d,e}| is in N and |{a,b,c,d,e}| <= 5
	take any a,b,c,d,e
		there is a more with more = {a,b,c,d,e}
		there is a less with less = {b,c,d,e}
		1: |less| is in N and |less| <= 4 by card_4_bound
		suppose a is in less
			so less = more by set_equality,4_set,5_set
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 5 by nat_ineq_2,5_def,1
		suppose 2: a is not in less
			take any x
				x is in more iff x is in less ∪ {a} by 4_set,5_set
			so more = less ∪ {a} by set_equality
			so |more| = |less| + 1 by card_add2,1,finite_def,2
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 5 by ineq_add,5_def,1

card_6_bound: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,
	|{a,b,c,d,e,f}| is in N and |{a,b,c,d,e,f}| <= 6
	take any a,b,c,d,e,f
		there is a more with more = {a,b,c,d,e,f}
		there is a less with less = {b,c,d,e,f}
		1: |less| is in N and |less| <= 5 by card_5_bound
		suppose a is in less
			so less = more by set_equality,5_set,6_set
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 6 by nat_ineq_2,6_def,1
		suppose 2: a is not in less
			take any x
				x is in more iff x is in less ∪ {a} by 5_set,6_set
			so more = less ∪ {a} by set_equality
			so |more| = |less| + 1 by card_add2,1,finite_def,2
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 6 by ineq_add,6_def,1

card_7_bound: for all a,b,c,d,e,f,g,
	|{a,b,c,d,e,f,g}| is in N and |{a,b,c,d,e,f,g}| <= 7
	take any a,b,c,d,e,f,g
		there is a more with more = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}
		there is a less with less = {b,c,d,e,f,g}
		1: |less| is in N and |less| <= 6 by card_6_bound
		suppose a is in less
			so less = more by set_equality,6_set,7_set
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 7 by nat_ineq_2,7_def,1
		suppose 2: a is not in less
			take any x
				x is in more iff x is in less ∪ {a} by 6_set,7_set
			so more = less ∪ {a} by set_equality
			so |more| = |less| + 1 by card_add2,1,finite_def,2
			so |more| is in N and |more| <= 7 by ineq_add,7_def,1

tie-in `∅` with `∅ is finite` by card_0,finite_def

tie-in `{a}` with `{a} is finite` for all a
	by card_1,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b}` with `{a,b} is finite` for all a,b
	by card_2_bound,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b,c}` with `{a,b,c} is finite` for all a,b,c
	by card_3_bound,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b,c,d}` with `{a,b,c,d} is finite` for all a,b,c,d
	by card_4_bound,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e}` with `{a,b,c,d,e} is finite` for all a,b,c,d,e
	by card_5_bound,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e,f}` with `{a,b,c,d,e,f} is finite` for all a,b,c,d,e,f
	by card_6_bound,finite_def,set_literal

tie-in `{a,b,c,d,e,f,g}` with `{a,b,c,d,e,f,g} is finite` for all a,b,c,d,e,f,g
	by card_7_bound,finite_def,set_literal

finite_biject: for all A,B in Set,
  if finite[A] and for some f in Function, bijection[f,A,B], then
    finite[B] and |B| = |A|
	take 1: any A,B in Set where
			finite[A] and for some f in Function, bijection[f,A,B]
		2: for some k in N, for some g in Functions[A,before[k]],
        by card_def,1
		for some h in Function, bijection[h,B,A] by biject_symmetric,1,function2
		so for some f in Functions[B,before[k]], bijection[f,B,before[k]]
			by biject_transitive,2,function2
		so finite[B] and |B| = |A| by card_def,finite_def,2,function2

# from Sundstrom - Mathematical Reasoning
lemma_9.5: for all m in N, for all A in Set,
  if A ⊆ before[m] then finite[A] and |A| <= m
  P_def: for some P, for all m in N,
    P[m] iff for all A in Set where A ⊆ before[m], finite[A] and |A| <= m
      by property2a
	P[0] proof
		before[0] = ∅ by before_def,empty_def,nonnegative,set_equality
		for all A in Set where A ⊆ ∅, A = ∅ by empty_def,subset_def,set_equality
		so P[0] by P_def,card_0
	take hyp: any k in N where P[k]
		take any A in Set where A ⊆ before[k+1]
			so A-{k} ⊆ before[k+1]-{k} by subset_diff
			so A-{k} ⊆ before[k] by before_drop
			B_def: for some B in Set, B = A-{k}
			so 1: finite[B] and |B| <= k by hyp,P_def,B_def
			suppose k is not in A
				so A = B by B_def,setdiff_def,1_set,set_equality
				so finite[A] and |A| <= k by 1
				so finite[A] and |A| <= k+1 by total_order,ineq_def,0_not_1
			suppose k is in A
				so finite[A] and |A| = |B|+1 by 1,card_add,B_def
				so finite[A] and |A| <= k+1 by 1,ineq_add
		so P[k+1] by P_def
	so thesis by induction,P_def

subset_finite: for all finite S in Set and A ⊆ S,
	finite[A] and |A| <= |S|
	take any S in Set and A ⊆ S where finite[S]
		1: so for some k in N, |S| = k
		2: for some f in Functions[S,before[k]], bijection[f,S,before[k]]
      by card_def,1
		bijection[f,A,image[f,A]] proof
			for all x in A, f[x] is in image[f,A] by image_def
			one_to_one[f,A] by 2,subset_def,biject_def,one_to_one
			for all y in image[f,A], for some x in A, f[x] = y by image_def
			so thesis by biject_def
      image[f,A] ⊆ before[k] by subset_def,image_def,biject_def,2
      so finite[image[f,A]] and |image[f,A]| <= k by lemma_9.5
		so finite[A] and |A| <= |S| by finite_biject,1,biject_symmetric,function2

card_drop: for all finite S in Set and x in S,
	finite[S-{x}] and |S| = |S-{x}| + 1
	take any S in Set and x in S where finite[S]
		S-{x} ⊆ S by setdiff_def,subset_def
		so 1: finite[S-{x}] by subset_finite
		|S| = |S-{x}| + 1 by card_add,1
	so thesis by 1

proper_card: for all A,B in Set where finite[A] and B ⊂ A, |B| < |A|
	take 1: any A,B in Set where finite[A] and B ⊂ A
    there is an x in A with x is not in B by proper_subset_def,1
    C_def: for some C in Set, C = A - {x}
    take any y in B
      y is in A and y != x by subset_def,1
      so y is in C by C_def,setdiff_def,1_set
    so B ⊆ C by subset_def
		2: finite[C] and |A| = |C|+1 by card_drop,C_def,1
		so finite[B] and |B| <= |C| by subset_finite,2
		|C| < |A| by 2,less_add_1
		so |B| < |A| by total_order,2

card_empty: for all S in Set, |S| = 0 iff S = ∅
	take 1: any S in Set where |S| = 0
		suppose there is some x in S
			finite[S] by finite_def,1
			so finite[S-{x}] and |S| = |S-{x}| + 1 by card_drop
			so contradiction by 1,not_plus_one_equal_zero
	so thesis by card_0,set_equality

card_at_most_zero: for all finite S in Set, if |S| <= 0 then S = ∅
  by total_order,nat_greater_eq_0,card_empty,finite_def

card_of_two: for all S in Set and a,b,
  if for all x in S, x = a or x = b, then |S| <= 2
	take any S in Set and a,b where for all x in S, x = a or x = b
		so S ⊆ {a,b} by subset_def,2_set
		so |S| <= 2 by card_2_bound,subset_finite,finite_def,total_order

set_induction: for all P and finite S in Set,
	if for all A ⊆ S,
		   (for all B ⊂ A, P[B]) implies P[A],
	take 0: any P and S in Set where finite[S]
		suppose 1: for all A ⊆ S, (for all B ⊂ A, P[B]) implies P[A]
			Q_def: for some Q, for all n in N,
						   Q[n] iff for all A ⊆ S where |A| <= n, P[A]
			  by property2a
			Q[0] proof
				P[∅] by 1,proper_subset_def,subset_def,empty_def
				for all A ⊆ S where |A| <= 0, A = ∅
					by card_empty,nonnegative,0,subset_finite,finite_def,subset_def
				so thesis by Q_def
			take 2: any n in N where Q[n]
				take 3: any A ⊆ S where |A| <= n+1
					take any B ⊂ A
						|A| is in N and |B| is in N by subset_finite,finite_def,0
						so |B| <= n by proper_card,3,nat_ineq_2,total_order,0,subset_finite
						so P[B] by Q_def,2,subset_def
					so for all B ⊂ A, P[B]
					so P[A] by 1
				so Q[n+1] by Q_def
			so for all n in N, Q[n] by induction
			|S| is in N by 0
			so for all A ⊆ S where |A| <= |S|, P[A] by Q_def
			so P[S] by subset_def

disjoint_card: for all finite A,B in Set,
  if disjoint[A,B] then |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B|
  take 1: any finite A,B in Set where disjoint[A,B]
		P_def: for some P, for all S in Set, P[S] iff |A ∪ S| = |A| + |S|
      by property2a
		# base case
    P[∅] by P_def,card_empty,union_empty,plus_0
		# induction
		take any C != ∅ with C ⊆ B
			suppose 2: for all D ⊂ C, P[D] # induction hypothesis
				there is a c in C by empty_def,set_equality
				3: let D = C - {c}

        # facts about C,D,c
        5: D is in Set by 3
        6: D is finite by 3,card_drop,subset_finite
        7: c is not in D by 3,setdiff_def,1_set
        8: C = D ∪ {c} by 3,set_drop_add
        9: |C| = |D| + 1 by 8,6,card_add2,5,7

        D ⊂ C by 3,setdiff_element
        so 10: |A ∪ D| = |A| + |D| by P_def,2
        c is not in A by disjoint_def,1,subset_def
        so c is not in A ∪ D by 5,7
        A ∪ D is finite by finite_def,10,5,6
        so |A ∪ D ∪ {c}| = |A| + |D| + 1 by card_add2,10,5
        so |A ∪ D ∪ {c}| = |A| + |C| by add_assoc,5,9,6
        so |A ∪ C| = |A| + |C| by union_assoc,5,8
        so P[C] by P_def
    so P[B] by set_induction
  so thesis by P_def

power_def: define power such that for all S in Set,
	power[S] is in Set and for all x, x is in power[S] iff x ⊆ S
	for all S in Set, for at most one P in Set, for all x, x is in P iff x ⊆ S
		by set_equality
	so for some op, for all S,P in Set, op[S] = P iff
		for all x, x is in P iff x ⊆ S
			by operation22
	take any S in Set
		so for all f in Functions[S,{0,1}], for at most one A in Set,
			for all x, x is in A iff x is in S and f[x] = 1
				by set_equality
		so 0: for some op, for all f in Functions[S,{0,1}] and A in Set,
			op[f] = A iff for all x, x is in A iff x is in S and f[x] = 1
				by operation22
		Functions[S,{0,1}] is in Set by function2
		1: so for some P in Set, for all A,
			A is in P iff for some f in Functions[S,{0,1}], op[f] = A
				by replace
		take any A in P
			8: for some f in Functions[S,{0,1}], op[f] = A by 1
			for some p, for all x in S, p[x] iff f[x] = 1 by property2a
			so for some B in Set, for all x, x is in B iff x is in S and f[x] = 1
				by specify
			so A is in Set by 8,0
			so A ⊆ S by subset_def,0,8
		take any A ⊆ S
			so for all x in S, for at most one i in {0,1},
				(i = 1 and x is in A) or (i = 0 and x is not in A)
			so 4: for some op2, for all x in S and i in {0,1},
				op2[x] = i iff (i = 1 and x is in A) or (i = 0 and x is not in A)
					by operation22
			for all x in S, op2[x] is in {0,1} by set_literal,4
			so for some f in Functions[S,{0,1}], for all x in S, f[x] = op2[x]
				by function3
			so for all x in S, x is in A iff f[x] = 1
				by 4,set_literal,distinct_nats
			so op[f] = A by 0,subset_def
			so A is in P by 1

tie-in `power[S]` with `if S is in Set then power[S] is in Set` for all S
	by power_def

power_element_set: for all S in Set and x in power[S], x is in Set
  by power_def,subset_def

tie-in `A is in power[S]` with
	`if S is in Set and A is in power[S] then A is in Set`
		for all A,S
			by power_element_set

power_subset: for all A,B,S in Set,
  if A is in power[S] and B ⊆ A, then B is in power[S]
    by power_def,subset_def

subset_power: for all A,B in Set where A ⊆ B, power[A] ⊆ power[B]
  by power_def,subset_def

power_element: for all A,B in Set where A is in power[B],
  for all x in A, x is in B
    by power_def,subset_def

power_diff: for all A,B in Set, A - B is in power[A]
  by power_def,setdiff_self

empty_power: for all S in Set, ∅ is in power[S]
  by power_def,empty_def,subset_def

power_empty: power[∅] = {∅}
  for all x, x is in {∅} iff x ⊆ ∅ by subset_def,subset_empty,set_literal
  so thesis by set_equality,power_def

power_union: for all A,B,C in Set,
  if A is in power[C] and B is in power[C] then A ∪ B is in power[C]
    by subset_union,power_def

include "recursion.oak"

exp_def: define ^ such that for all m,n in N, m^n is in N and
  m^0 = 1 and
  m^(n+1) = m * m^n
  q_def: for some q, for all f in Functions[N,N] and m in N, q[f,m] iff
    f[0] = 1 and for all n in N,
    f[n+1] = m * f[n]
      by property22a

  take any m in N
    lemma: for some f in Functions[N,N], q[f,m] proof
      p_def: for some p, for all n,r in N, p[n,r] iff m * n = r by property22a
      for all n in N, for at most one r in N, p[n,r] by p_def
      so for some mult, for all n,r in N, mult[n] = r iff p[n,r] by operation22
      so for all n in N, mult[n] = m * n by p_def,nat_closed_mult
      so for some mult in Functions[N,N], for all n in N, mult[n] = m * n
        by function3,nat_closed_mult
      so for some f in Functions[N,N],
        f[0] = 1 and for all n in N,
        f[n+1] = m * f[n]
          by recursion,function1
      so thesis by q_def

  for all m,n in N, for at most one r in N,
    for some f in Functions[N,N] where q[f,m], f[n] = r
    take 1: any m,n in N and f,g in Functions[N,N] where q[f,m] and q[g,m]
      p_def: for some p, for all i in N, p[i] iff f[i] = g[i] by property2a
      p[0] by p_def,1,q_def
      take hyp: any i in N where i < n and p[i]
        f[i+1] = m * f[i] by 1,q_def
        g[i+1] = m * g[i] by 1,q_def
        so p[i+1] by p_def,hyp
      so for all i in N where i <= n, p[i] by bounded_induction
      so f[n] = g[n] by p_def

  so op_def: for some op, for all m,n,r in N,
    op[m,n] = r iff for some f in Functions[N,N] where q[f,m], f[n] = r
      by operation222

  take any m,n in N
    op[m,0] = 1 by lemma,q_def,op_def
    op[m,n+1] = m * op[m,n] by lemma,q_def,op_def,function1
    op[m,n] is in N by lemma,op_def,function1

exp_2_add: for all n in N, 2^n + 2^n = 2^(n+1)
  by exp_def,double

power_card: for all finite S in Set, |power[S]| = 2^|S|
  take any finite A in Set
		P_def: for some P, for all S in Set, P[S] iff |power[S]| = 2^|S|
      by property2a
		# base case
    P[∅] by P_def,card_empty,power_empty,card_1,exp_def
		# induction
		take any B != ∅ with B ⊆ A
      tie-in `B` with `B is in Set and B is finite` by subset_finite
			suppose hyp: for all C ⊂ B, P[C] # induction hypothesis
				there is a b in B by empty_def,set_equality
        op: for some op, for all S,T in power[B], op[S] = T iff T = S ∪ {b}
          for all S in power[B], for at most one T in power[B], T = S ∪ {b}
          so thesis by operation22

        # C definition and facts
				C_def: let C = B - {b}
        tie-in `C` with `C is in Set and C is finite` by C_def,card_drop
        c1: b is not in C by C_def,setdiff_def,1_set
        c2: B = C ∪ {b} by C_def,set_drop_add
        c3: C ⊂ B by C_def,setdiff_element

        # D definition and facts
        D_def: let D = power[C]
        d1: |D| = 2^|C| by P_def,hyp,D_def,c3
        tie-in `D` with `D is in Set and D is finite`
          by D_def,d1,exp_def,finite_def
        take any S in D
          tie-in `S` with `S is in Set` by D_def,power_element_set
          d2: S is in power[B] by D_def,subset_power,c3,subset_def
          {b} ⊆ B by subset_def,set_literal
          so {b} is in power[B] by power_def
          so d3: S ∪ {b} is in power[B] by d2,power_union
          d4: b is not in S by D_def,power_element,c1
          d5: op[S] = S ∪ {b} by op,d2,d3

        # E definition and facts
        E_def: for some E in Set, for all x,
          x is in E iff for some S in D, op[S] = x
            by replace
        take any T in E
          e1: for some S in D, T = S ∪ {b} by E_def,d5
          e2: for no S in D, T = S by d4,e1,union_def,1_set

        l1: E is finite and |E| = |D|
          for all S in D, S ∪ {b} is in E by E_def,op,d2,d3
          f_def: so for some f in Functions[D,E], for all S in D, f[S] = S ∪ {b}
            by function3,d5,biject_def
          take any S1,S2 in D where S1 != S2
            f[S1] = S1 ∪ {b} and f[S2] = S2 ∪ {b} by f_def
            b is not in S1 and b is not in S2 by d4
            so f[S1] != f[S2] by set_add_drop,d2
          for all T in E, for some S in D, f[S] = T by f_def,e1
          so bijection[f,D,E] by biject_def,one_to_one,function1
          so thesis by finite_biject

        l2: power[B] = D ∪ E
          take any x in power[B]
            1: x ⊆ B by power_def
            suppose b is not in x
              so x ⊆ C by C_def,setdiff_def,subset_def,set_literal,1
              so x is in D by D_def,power_def
            suppose b is in x
              so for some S ⊆ C, x = S ∪ {b} by C_def,subset_diff,set_drop_add,1
              so for some S in D, x = S ∪ {b} by D_def,power_def
              so x is in E by E_def,op,d2
          for all x in D ∪ E, x is in power[B] by d2,d3,e1,union_def
          so thesis by set_equality,union_def

        disjoint[D, E] by disjoint_def,e2
        so |D ∪ E| = |D| + |E| by disjoint_card,l1
        so |power[B]| = 2^|C| + 2^|C| by d1,l1,l2
        so |power[B]| = 2^(|C|+1) by exp_2_add
        so |power[B]| = 2^|B| by c2,card_add2,c1
        so P[B] by P_def
    so P[A] by set_induction
  so thesis by P_def