Oak Examples



A recursion theorem for functions from natural numbers to elements of a set.

To be included from set.oak.


recursion: for all S in Set and base in S and next in Functions[S,S],
  for some f in Functions[N,S],
    f[0] = base and for all n in N,
    f[n+1] = next[f[n]]
  take any S in Set and base in S and next in Functions[S,S]

  	p_def: for some p, for all f,n,
  		p[f,n] iff f is in Function and n is in N and
  			(f[0] = base and for all m in N where m < n, f[m+1] = next[f[m]])
  		by property22

    p_prop: for all f,n where p[f,n], f[n] is in S
  		take 1: any f,n where p[f,n]
  			tie-in `n` with `n is in N` by 1,p_def
  			q_def: for some q, for all m in N, q[m] iff f[m] is in S by property2a
        q[0] by p_def,q_def,1
  			take hyp: any m in N where m < n and q[m]
          f[m] is in S by q_def,hyp
          so next[f[m]] is in S by function1
          so f[m+1] is in S by p_def,hyp,1
          so q[m+1] by q_def
        so for all m in N where m <= n, q[m] by bounded_induction
  			so f[n] is in S by q_def

	  p_less: so for all f,n where p[f,n], for all m in N where m <= n, p[f,m]
      by p_def,total_order

  	part1: for all n in N, for some f, p[f,n]
  		q_def: for some q, for all n in N,
        q[n] iff for some f, p[f,n] by property2a

  			for some op, for all n in N, op[n] = base by operation2
  			so for some f in Function, f[0] = base by function3,function2
        so thesis by p_def,q_def,nonnegative

      take any n in N where q[n]
  			so f_def_orig: for some f, p[f,n] by q_def
  			f_def: f[0] = base and
  				for all m in N where m < n, f[m+1] = next[f[m]]
  					by p_def,f_def_orig

  			r_def: for some r, for all m in N and x in S, r[m,x] iff
          (if m < n+1 then x = f[m]) and
          (if m = n+1 then x = next[f[n]])
            by property22a

        take any m in before[n+1]
          m <= n by nat_ineq_2,before_def
          t1: so f[m] is in S by p_prop,p_less,f_def_orig
  			take any m in N where m+1 is in before[n+2]
  				so m is in before[n+1] by before_def,ineq_plus_one_two
          t2: so f[m] is in S by t1

        r_prop: r[0,base] and for all m in before[n+1], r[m+1, next[f[m]]]
          0 < n+1 by nat_greater_eq_0,nat_ineq_2
          so r[0,base] by f_def,r_def

          take any m in before[n+1]
            suppose 1: m < n
              f[m+1] = next[f[m]] by f_def,1
              m+1 < n+1 by ineq_add,1
              so r[m+1, next[f[m]]] by r_def,t1,function1
            suppose 2: m = n
              next[f[m]] is in S by t1,function1
              m+1 = n+1 by 2
              so r[m+1, next[f[m]]] by r_def,2,total_order
            so r[m+1, next[f[m]]] by nat_ineq_2,before_def

  			take any m in before[n+2]
          m <= n+1 by before_def,add_assoc,2_def,nat_ineq_2
  				so for at most one x in S, r[m,x] by r_def

       	op2_def: so for some op2, for all m in before[n+2] and x in S,
  			 	op2[m] = x iff r[m,x]
  					by operation22

        f2_def: for some f2 in Functions[before[n+2], S],
          for all m in before[n+2], f2[m] = op2[m]
          take any m in before[n+2]
            r[0,base] by r_prop
            suppose m != 0
              so 1: for some m' in N, m = m'+1 by nat_reduce
              m' < n+1 by before_def,1,ineq_plus_one_two
              so r[m, next[f[m']]] by r_prop,before_def,1
            so for some x in S, r[m,x] by t2,function1,1
            so op2[m] is in S by op2_def
          so thesis by function3

  			f2_prop: f2[0] = base and for all m in before[n+1], f2[m+1] = next[f[m]]
          0 is in before[n+2] by 0_less_2,before_def,ineq_add_left
  				r[0,base] by r_prop
  				so f2[0] = base by f2_def,op2_def
  				take any m in before[n+1]
            m+1 is in before[n+2] by before_def,ineq_plus_one_two
  					r[m+1, next[f[m]]] by r_prop
  					so f2[m+1] = next[f[m]] by f2_def,op2_def,t1,function1

  			for all m in before[n+1], f2[m] = f[m]
  				take any m in before[n+1]
  					if m = 0 then f2[m] = f[m] by f_def,f2_prop
            suppose m != 0
              so 1: for some m' in N, m = m'+1 by nat_reduce
              m' is in before[n+1] by before_def,1,less_add_1,total_order
              so f2[m'+1] = next[f[m']] by f2_prop
              f[m'+1] = next[f[m']] by f_def,before_def,ineq_cancel,1
              so f2[m] = f[m] by 1

  			so for all m in before[n+1], f2[m+1] = next[f2[m]] by f2_prop
  			so p[f2,n+1] by p_def,f2_prop,before_def
        so q[n+1] by q_def

      so for all n in N, q[n] by induction
      so thesis by q_def

  	for all n in N, for at most one x in S,
      for some f where p[f,n], f[n] = x
  		take 1: any n in N and f,g where p[f,n] and p[g,n]
  			q_def: for some q, for all m in N, q[m] iff f[m] = g[m] by property2a
        q[0] by p_def,q_def,1
  			take hyp: any m in N where m < n and q[m]
          f[m+1] = next[f[m]] by p_def,1,hyp
          g[m+1] = next[g[m]] by p_def,1,hyp
          so q[m+1] by q_def,hyp
        so for all m in N where m <= n, q[m] by bounded_induction
  			so f[n] = g[n] by q_def

  	so op_def: for some op, for all n in N and x in S,
  		op[n] = x iff for some f where p[f,n], f[n] = x
  			by operation22
    for all n in N, op[n] is in S by part1,p_prop,op_def

    so g_def: for some g in Functions[N,S], for all n in N,
      g[n] = op[n] by function3

  	g[0] = base by g_def,op_def,part1,p_def
    take any n in N
      1: for some f, p[f,n+1] and p[f,n] by part1,p_less,less_add_1
      f[n+1] = next[f[n]] by p_def,less_add_1,1
      so g[n+1] = next[g[n]] by g_def,op_def,p_prop,1