Oak Examples



Definitions and results for divisibility and prime numbers, culminating in a
proof that the set of primes is infinite.


include "product.oak"

divides_def: define divides such that for all a,b in N,
	divides[a,b] iff for some c in N, a*c = b
		by property22a

prime_def: define prime such that for all n in N,
	prime[n] iff n > 1 and for all d in N where divides[d,n], d = 1 or d = n
		by property2a

primes_def: define Primes in Set such that for all x,
	x is in Primes iff x is in N and prime[x]
		by specify

tie-in `Primes` with `Primes is in power[N]` by primes_def,subset_def,power_def

zero_divides: for all n in N where n != 0, not divides[0,n]
	by divides_def,0_mult

divides_less: for all a,n in N where n != 0, divides[a,n] implies a <= n
	take 1: any a,n in N where n != 0 and divides[a,n]
		for some c in N, a*c = n by divides_def,1
		so a <= n by mult_greater,nat_if_not_0,0_mult,mult_1,mult_commute,1

divides_one: for all n in N, divides[n,1] implies n = 1
  take 1: any n in N where divides[n,1]
    n <= 1 by divides_less,1,0_not_1
    n != 0 by 0_mult,1,divides_def,0_not_1
		so n = 1 by nat_if_not_0

divides_diff: for all a,b,d in N,
  if divides[d,a] and divides[d,a+b] then divides[d,b]
	for all a,b in N, if divides[0,a] and divides[0,a+b] then divides[0,b]
		by divides_def,0_mult,total_order,ineq_def,nat_closed_add
	take 1: any a,b,d in N with d != 0 where divides[d,a] and divides[d,a+b]
		2: for some m1 in N, d*m1 = a by 1,divides_def
		3: for some m2 in N, d*m2 = a+b by 1,divides_def
		d*m1 <= d*m2 by 2,3,ineq_def,plus_0
		so m1 <= m2 by ineq_mult_cancel
		so for some m3 in N, m2=m1+m3 by ineq_def,plus_0
		d*m2 = d*m1+b by 2,3
		so d*m1 + b = d*(m1+m3)
		so d*m1 + b = d*m1 + d*m3 by mult_dist
		so b = d*m3 by cancellation_left
		so divides[d,b] by divides_def

prime_factor: for all n in N where n > 1,
  for some d in N, divides[d,n] and prime[d]
	P_def: for some P, for all n in N,
				   P[n] iff for some d in N, divides[d,n] and prime[d]
		by property2a
	take any n in N with n > 1
		suppose hyp: for all m in N where m > 1 and m < n, P[m]
			divides[n,n] by divides_def,mult_1 # handles prime[n]
			suppose not prime[n]
				so 1: for some e in N, divides[e,n] and e != 1 and e != n by prime_def
				e > 1 and e < n by divides_less,nonnegative,zero_divides,nat_if_not_0,1
				so 2: for some f in N, divides[f,e] and prime[f] by hyp,P_def
				divides[f,n] by divides_def,1,2,mult_assoc,nat_closed_mult
				so P[n] by P_def,2
			so P[n] by P_def
	so for all n in N where n > 1, P[n] by strong_induction_strict
	so thesis by P_def

product_set_in_N: for all finite S in power[N], product[S] is in N
	P_def: for some P, for all S in power[N], P[S] iff product[S] is in N
		by property2a
	take any finite S in power[N]
		P[∅] by product_def,P_def,empty_subset,power_def
		take any A != ∅ with A ⊆ S where for all B ⊂ A, P[B]
			there is a d in A by empty_def,set_equality
			1: let B = A - {d}
			2: B ⊂ A by setdiff_element,1
			3: A is in power[N] and B is in power[N] by 2,power_def,subset_def
			so product[B] is in N by P_def,2,3
			so d * product[B] is in N by power_def,subset_def
			so product[A] is in N by product_def,1,subset_finite,3
			so P[A] by P_def,3
		so product[S] is in N by set_induction,P_def

product_set_positive: for all finite S in power[N],
  if for all d in S, d > 0, then product[S] > 0
	take 1: any finite S in power[N] where for all d in S, d > 0
		P_def: for some P, for all S in power[N], P[S] iff product[S] > 0
			by property2a
		# base case
		P[∅] by P_def,product_def,0_less_1,power_def,empty_subset
		# induction
		take any A != ∅ with A ⊆ S
			suppose for all B ⊂ A, P[B] # induction hypothesis
				there is a d in A by empty_def,set_equality
				2: let B = A - {d}
				3: B ⊂ A by 2,setdiff_element
				4: A is in power[N] and B is in power[N] by power_def,subset_def,3
				so finite[B] and product[B] > 0 by subset_finite,P_def,3,4
				d is in N and d > 0 by 1,subset_def,power_def
				so d * product[B] > 0 by mult_positive,product_set_in_N,4
				so product[A] > 0 by product_def,2,subset_finite,4
				so P[A] by P_def,4
		so product[S] > 0 by set_induction,P_def

divides_product: for all finite S in power[N],
	for all d in S, divides[d, product[S]]
	take any finite S in power[N] and d in S
		1: let A = S - {d}
		2: A ⊂ S by 1,setdiff_element
		product[S] = d * product[A] by product_def,1
		finite[A] by subset_finite,2
		A is in power[N] and d is in N by power_def,subset_def,2
		so divides[d, product[S]] by divides_def,product_set_in_N

infinite_primes: Primes is infinite
	suppose 1: Primes is finite # to obtain a contradiction
		2: for some p in N, p = product[Primes] by 1,product_set_in_N
		3: for some q in N, q = p+1
		4: for some d in N, d divides q and d is prime
			for all n in Primes, n > 0 by primes_def,prime_def,nonnegative,total_order
			so p > 0 by product_set_positive,1,2
			so q > 1 by 3,ineq_def,add_commute
			so thesis by prime_factor
		d divides p by divides_product,primes_def,1,2,4
		so d divides 1 by divides_diff,3,4
		so d is not prime by prime_def,divides_one,total_order
		so contradiction by 4
	so thesis by infinite_def