Oak Examples



Definitions and results for graphs (actually multigraphs) and paths in graphs.


include "list.oak"

multigraph_def: define multigraph such that for all m,
	multigraph[m] iff m is in List and for some V,E in Set and r,
		m = [V,E,r] and V is finite and E is finite and
			for all e in E, r[e] is in Set and |r[e]| = 2 and
				for all n in r[e], n is in V
					by property2

nodes_def: define nodes such that for all multigraph m,
	nodes[m] = first[m]

edges_def: define edges such that for all multigraph m,
	edges[m] = second[m]

nodes_for_edge_def: define nodes_for_edge such that
	for all multigraph m and e in edges[m],
		nodes_for_edge[m,e] is in Set and nodes_for_edge[m,e] = third[m][e]
	for all multigraph m and e in edges[m],
		for at most one S in Set, S = third[m][e]
	so op_def: for some op,
		for all multigraph m and e in edges[m] and S in Set,
			op[m,e] = S iff S = third[m][e]
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and e in edges[m]
		for some V,E,r, m = [V,E,r] and for all e in E, r[e] is in Set
			by multigraph_def
		so op[m,e] is in Set by op_def,edges_def
	so thesis by op_def

nodes_for_edge: for all multigraph m and e in edges[m],
	nodes_for_edge[m,e] is in Set and |nodes_for_edge[m,e]| = 2 and
		for all v in nodes_for_edge[m,e], v is in nodes[m]
	take any multigraph m and e in edges[m]
		1: for some V,E,r, m = [V,E,r] and for all e in E, |r[e]| = 2 and
			for all n in r[e], n is in V
				by multigraph_def
		nodes_for_edge[m,e] is in Set by nodes_for_edge_def
		|nodes_for_edge[m,e]| = 2 by nodes_for_edge_def,edges_def,1
		for all v in nodes_for_edge[m,e], v is in nodes[m]
			by nodes_for_edge_def,nodes_def,edges_def,1

tie-in `nodes[m]` with `if multigraph[m] then nodes[m] is in Set` for all m
	by nodes_def,multigraph_def,list_literal,first_def,1_less_3

tie-in `edges[m]` with
	`if multigraph[m] then edges[m] is in Set and edges[m] is finite`
		for all m
			by edges_def,multigraph_def,list_literal,second_def,2_less_3

edges_for_node: define edges_for_node such that for all multigraph m,
	for all v in nodes[m], edges_for_node[m,v] is in Set and
		for all e, e is in edges_for_node[m,v] iff
			e is in edges[m] and v is in nodes_for_edge[m,e]
	p_def: for some p,
		for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m] and S in Set,
			p[m,v,S] iff for all e, e is in S iff
				e is in edges[m] and v is in nodes_for_edge[m,e]
					by property122a
	for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m],
		for at most one S in Set, p[m,v,S]
			by set_equality,p_def
	so op_def: for some op,
		for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m] and S in Set,
			op[m,v] = S iff p[m,v,S]
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and v in nodes[m]
		for some q, for all e in edges[m], q[e] iff v is in nodes_for_edge[m,e]
			by property2a
		so for some S in Set, p[m,v,S] by specify,p_def
	so thesis by p_def,op_def

edges_node_finite: for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m],
	edges_for_node[m,v] is finite
	take any multigraph m and v in nodes[m]
		so edges_for_node[m,v] ⊆ edges[m] by edges_for_node,subset_def
	so thesis by subset_finite

tie-in `edges_for_node[m,v]` with
	`if multigraph[m] and v is in nodes[m] then
		edges_for_node[m,v] is in Set and edges_for_node[m,v] is finite`
			for all m,v
				by edges_for_node,edges_node_finite

degree_def: define degree such that for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m],
	degree[m,v] is in N and
	degree[m,v] = |edges_for_node[m,v]|
	for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m],
		for at most one n in N, n = |edges_for_node[m,v]|
	so for some op,
		for all multigraph m and v in nodes[m] and n in N,
			op[m,v] = n iff n = |edges_for_node[m,v]|
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and v in nodes[m]
		edges_for_node[m,v] is finite
		so |edges_for_node[m,v]| is in N

tie-in `degree[m,v]` with
	`if multigraph[m] and v is in nodes[m] then degree[m,v] is in N`
		for all v,m
			by degree_def

odd_nodes_def: define nodes_of_odd_degree such that
	for all multigraph m, nodes_of_odd_degree[m] is in Set and for all x,
		x is in nodes_of_odd_degree[m] iff x is in nodes[m] and degree[m,x] is odd
	p_def: for some p, for all multigraph m and S in Set,
		p[m,S] iff for all x,
      x is in S iff x is in nodes[m] and degree[m,x] is odd
        by property12a
	for all multigraph m, for at most one S in Set, p[m,S] by set_equality,p_def
	so for some op, for all multigraph m and S in Set, op[m] = S iff p[m,S]
		by operation12
	take any multigraph m
		for some q, for all x, q[x] iff x is in nodes[m] and degree[m,x] is odd
			by property2
		so for some S in Set, p[m,S] by specify,p_def
	so thesis by p_def

tie-in `nodes_of_odd_degree[m]` with
	`if multigraph[m] then nodes_of_odd_degree[m] is in Set`
		for all m
			by odd_nodes_def

node_edge: for all multigraph m,
  (for all e in edges[m] and v in nodes_for_edge[m,e],
		e is in edges_for_node[m,v]) and
	(for all v in nodes[m] and e in edges_for_node[m,v],
		v is in nodes_for_edge[m,e])
			by nodes_for_edge,edges_for_node

edges_node_graph: for all multigraph m,
  for all v in nodes[m] and e in edges_for_node[m,v], e is in edges[m]
		by edges_for_node

# PATHS #######################################################################

path_def: define path such that for all p,m,
	path[p,m] iff linked_list[p] and multigraph[m] and
		(length[p] != 0 and
		 (for all x in p, node[x] is in nodes[m]) and
		 for all x,y in p where succ[p,x,y],
			 out[x] = into[y] and
			 out[x] is in edges[m] and
			 nodes_for_edge[m, out[x]] = {node[x], node[y]})
				 by property11

tie-in `path[p,m]` with `path[p,m] implies linked_list[p]` for all p,m
	by path_def

edges_path_def: define edges_in_path such that
	for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
		for all e, e is in edges_in_path[m,p] iff
			for some x in p where x != last[p],
				e = out[x]
	q_def: for some q,
		for all m,p,S where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and S is in Set,
			q[m,p,S] iff
				for all e, e is in S iff for some x in p where x != last[p], e = out[x]
					by property122a
	for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
		for at most one S in Set, q[m,p,S]
			by q_def,set_equality
	so for some op,
		for all m,p,S where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and S is in Set,
			op[m,p] = S iff q[m,p,S]
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and p with path[p,m]
		for some r, for all e, r[e] iff
			e is in edges[m] and for some x in p where x != last[p], e = out[x]
				by property2
		for some S in Set, for all e, e is in S iff e is in edges[m] and r[e]
			by specify
		for all x in p where x != last[p], out[x] is in edges[m]
			by path_def,succ_exists
		so q[m,p,S] by q_def
	so thesis by q_def

start_def: define start such that for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
	start[m,p] = node[first[p]]
	for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m], for at most one v in nodes[m],
		v = node[first[p]]
	so for some op,
		for all m,p,v where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
			op[m,p] = v iff v = node[first[p]]
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and p with path[p,m]
		so 1: length[p] >= 1 by path_def,nat_if_not_0
		p[1] is in p by 1
		so node[first[p]] is in nodes[m] by path_def,first_def,1

stop_def: define stop such that for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
	stop[m,p] = node[last[p]]
	for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m], for at most one v in nodes[m],
		v = node[last[p]]
	so for some op,
		for all m,p,v where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
			op[m,p] = v iff v = node[last[p]]
				by operation122
	take any multigraph m and p with path[p,m]
		so 1: length[p] >= 1 by path_def,nat_if_not_0
		p[length[p]] is in p by 1
		so node[last[p]] is in nodes[m] by path_def,last_def,1

start_stop: for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
  start[m,p] = node[first[p]] and stop[m,p] = node[last[p]]
		by start_def,stop_def

first_last: for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
  for all x in p,
    (if x != first[p] then into[x] is in edges[m]) and
    (if x != last[p] then out[x] is in edges[m])
			by path_def,succ_exists,pred_exists

in_def: define incoming such that for all m,p,v where
	multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
		incoming[m,p,v] is in Set and for all e, e is in incoming[m,p,v] iff
			for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e and node[x] = v
	q_def: for some q,
		for all m,p,v,S where
			multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] and S is in Set,
				q[m,p,v,S] iff for all e, e is in S iff
					for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e and node[x] = v
						by property1222a
	for all m,p,v where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
		for at most one S in Set, q[m,p,v,S]
			by q_def,set_equality
	so for some op,
		for all m,p,v,S where
			multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] and S is in Set,
				op[m,p,v] = S iff q[m,p,v,S]
					by operation1222
	take any m,p,v with multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		for some r, for all e, r[e] iff e is in edges[m] and
			for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e and node[x] = v
				by property2
		for some S in Set, for all e, e is in S iff e is in edges[m] and r[e]
			by specify
		for all x in p where x != first[p], into[x] is in edges[m]
			by path_def,pred_exists
		so q[m,p,v,S] by q_def
	so thesis by q_def

out_def: define outgoing such that for all m,p,v where
	multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
  	outgoing[m,p,v] is in Set and for all e, e is in outgoing[m,p,v] iff
			for some x in p where x != last[p], out[x] = e and node[x] = v
	q_def: for some q,
		for all m,p,v,S where
			multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] and S is in Set,
				q[m,p,v,S] iff for all e, e is in S iff
					for some x in p where x != last[p], out[x] = e and node[x] = v
						by property1222a
	for all m,p,v where multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
		for at most one S in Set, q[m,p,v,S]
			by q_def,set_equality
	so for some op,
		for all m,p,v,S where
			multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] and S is in Set,
				op[m,p,v] = S iff q[m,p,v,S]
					by operation1222
	take any m,p,v with multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		for some r, for all e, r[e] iff e is in edges[m] and
			for some x in p where x != last[p], out[x] = e and node[x] = v
				by property2
		for some S in Set, for all e, e is in S iff e is in edges[m] and r[e]
			by specify
		for all x in p where x != last[p], out[x] is in edges[m]
			by path_def,succ_exists
		so q[m,p,v,S] by q_def
	so thesis by q_def

in_out_prop: for all m,p,v,e where
	multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m],
 		if e is in incoming[m,p,v] or e is in outgoing[m,p,v] then e is in edges[m]
	take any m,p,v,e with multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		suppose e is in incoming[m,p,v]
			so for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e by in_def
			so e is in edges[m] by path_def,pred_exists
		suppose e is in outgoing[m,p,v]
			so for some x in p where x != last[p], out[x] = e by out_def
			so e is in edges[m] by path_def,succ_exists

tie-in `incoming[m,p,v]` with
  `if multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] then
		incoming[m,p,v] is in Set and incoming[m,p,v] is finite`
			for all m,p,v
	take any m,p,v with multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		for all e in incoming[m,p,v], e is in edges[m]
			by in_def,path_def,pred_exists
	so thesis by subset_finite,in_def,subset_def

tie-in `outgoing[m,p,v]` with
  `if multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m] then
		outgoing[m,p,v] is in Set and outgoing[m,p,v] is finite`
			for all m,p,v
	take any m,p,v with multigraph[m] and path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		for all e in outgoing[m,p,v], e is in edges[m]
			by out_def,path_def,succ_exists
	so thesis by subset_finite,out_def,subset_def

path_edge_node: for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
  for all e in edges_in_path[m,p] and v in nodes_for_edge[m,e],
    for some x in p, node[x] = v and
			((x != first[p] and into[x] = e) or
			 (x != last[p] and out[x] = e))
	take any multigraph m and p with path[p,m]
		take any e in edges_in_path[m,p] and v in nodes_for_edge[m,e]
			1: for some x in p where x != last[p], e = out[x] by edges_path_def
			2: for some y in p where y != first[p], succ[p,x,y]
				by succ_exists,succ_not_first_last,1
	so thesis by 1,2,2_set,path_def

path_in_out: for all multigraph m and p where path[p,m],
  for all x in p,
		(if x != first[p] then into[x] is in edges_for_node[m,node[x]]) and
		(if x != last[p] then out[x] is in edges_for_node[m,node[x]])
	take any multigraph m and p with path[p,m]
		for all x in p where x != first[p], into[x] is in edges_for_node[m,node[x]]
			by pred_exists,path_def,node_edge,2_set
		for all x in p where x != last[p], out[x] is in edges_for_node[m,node[x]]
			by succ_exists,path_def,node_edge,2_set

# EULERIAN PATHS ##############################################################

eulerian_def: define eulerian_path such that for all p,m,
  eulerian_path[p,m] iff path[p,m] and multigraph[m] and
		((for all e in edges[m], e is in edges_in_path[m,p]) and
		 for all x,y in p where x != y,
			 (if x != first[p] and y != first[p] then into[x] != into[y]) and
			 (if x != last[p] and y != last[p] then out[x] != out[y]))
				 by property21

tie-in `eulerian_path[p,m]` with `eulerian_path[p,m] implies path[p,m]`
	for all p,m
		by eulerian_def

eulerian_succ: for all multigraph m and p where eulerian_path[p,m],
	for all x,y in p where x != last[p] and y != first[p],
		if out[x] = into[y] then succ[p,x,y]
	take any multigraph m and p with eulerian_path[p,m]
		take any x,y in p with x != last[p] and y != first[p]
			suppose out[x] = into[y]
				1: for some z in p, succ[p,x,z] by succ_exists
				out[x] = into[z] by path_def,1
				so z = y by eulerian_def,succ_not_first_last,1
				so succ[p,x,y] by 1

	for all multigraph m and p where eulerian_path[p,m],
		for all v in nodes[m], disjoint[incoming[m,p,v], outgoing[m,p,v]]
	take any m,p,v with multigraph[m] and eulerian_path[p,m] and v is in nodes[m]
		suppose not disjoint[incoming[m,p,v], outgoing[m,p,v]]
			so 1: for some e, e is in incoming[m,p,v] and e is in outgoing[m,p,v]
				by disjoint_def
			2: for some x in p where x != last[p],
				out[x] = e and node[x] = v by out_def,1
			3: for some y in p where y != first[p],
				into[y] = e and node[y] = v by in_def,1
			succ[p,x,y] by eulerian_succ,2,3
			so nodes_for_edge[m,e] = {v,v} by path_def,2,3
			so contradiction by card_2_same,distinct_nats,in_out_prop,1,nodes_for_edge

internal_in_out_equal: for all multigraph m and p where eulerian_path[p,m],
  for all v in nodes[m] where v != start[m,p] and v != stop[m,p],
    |incoming[m,p,v]| = |outgoing[m,p,v]|
  take any multigraph m and p with eulerian_path[p,m]
    r_def: for some r, for all e1,e2 in edges[m],
      r[e1,e2] iff for some x in p where x != first[p] and x != last[p],
				into[x] = e1 and out[x] = e2
        	by property22a
    1: take any v in nodes[m] where v != start[m,p] and v != stop[m,p]
			for all e1 in incoming[m,p,v], for at most one e2 in outgoing[m,p,v],
					by r_def,eulerian_def,in_out_prop
			so op_def: for some op,
				for all e1 in incoming[m,p,v] and e2 in outgoing[m,p,v],
					op[e1] = e2 iff r[e1,e2]
						by operation22
			# subset
      take any e1 in incoming[m,p,v]
        e1 is in edges[m] by in_out_prop
        2: for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e1 and node[x] = v
					by in_def
        2a: x != last[p] by 1,2,start_stop
				out[x] is in outgoing[m,p,v] by 2,2a,out_def
				so op[e1] is in outgoing[m,p,v] by op_def,r_def,2,2a,first_last
	    so for some f in Functions[incoming[m,p,v], outgoing[m,p,v]],
				for all e1 in incoming[m,p,v], f[e1] = op[e1]
					by function3
	    f_def: so for all e1 in incoming[m,p,v] and e2 in outgoing[m,p,v],
				f[e1] = e2 iff r[e1,e2]
					by op_def
			# one-to-one
        take any e1,e2 in incoming[m,p,v] where e1 != e2
          4: e1 is in edges[m] and e2 is in edges[m] by in_out_prop
          5: for some x in p where x != first[p], into[x] = e1 and node[x] = v
						by in_def
          6: for some y in p where y != first[p], into[y] = e2 and node[y] = v
						by in_def
          so x != y by 5,6
          6a: x != last[p] and y != last[p] by 1,5,6,start_stop
          so out[x] != out[y] by eulerian_def,6a
            7: out[x] is in outgoing[m,p,v] and out[y] is in outgoing[m,p,v]
							by 6a,out_def,5,6
            r[e1,out[x]] and r[e2,out[y]] by r_def,5,6,6a,first_last
            so f[e1] = out[x] and f[e2] = out[y] by f_def,7
          so f[e1] != f[e2]
        so one_to_one[f,incoming[m,p,v]] by one_to_one
			# onto
      take any e2 in outgoing[m,p,v]
        8: for some x in p, out[x] = e2 and node[x] = v by out_def
        8a: x != first[p] and x != last[p] by 1,start_stop,8
        9: into[x] is in incoming[m,p,v] and out[x] is in outgoing[m,p,v]
					by 8a,8,in_def
        r[into[x],out[x]] by r_def,8a,first_last
        so f[into[x]] = out[x] by f_def,9
        so for some e1 in incoming[m,p,v], f[e1] = e2 by 8,in_def,8a
      so bijection[f,incoming[m,p,v],outgoing[m,p,v]] by biject_def,function1
      so |incoming[m,p,v]| = |outgoing[m,p,v]| by finite_biject

internal_even: for all multigraph m and p where eulerian_path[p,m],
  for all v in nodes[m] where v != start[m,p] and v != stop[m,p],
    degree[m,v] is even
  take any multigraph m and p with eulerian_path[p,m]
    take 1: any v in nodes[m] where v != start[m,p] and v != stop[m,p]
			take any e in edges_for_node[m,v]
			  so for some x in p, node[x] = v and
					   ((x != first[p] and into[x] = e) or
					    (x != last[p] and out[x] = e))
				  by path_edge_node,node_edge,edges_node_graph,eulerian_def
				so e is in incoming[m,p,v] or e is in outgoing[m,p,v] by in_def,out_def
				so e is in incoming[m,p,v] ∪ outgoing[m,p,v]
			take any e in incoming[m,p,v] ∪ outgoing[m,p,v]
				e is in incoming[m,p,v] or e is in outgoing[m,p,v]
				so e is in edges_for_node[m,v] by in_def,out_def,path_in_out
      so edges_for_node[m,v] = incoming[m,p,v] ∪ outgoing[m,p,v] by set_equality
        disjoint[incoming[m,p,v], outgoing[m,p,v]] by eulerian_in_out_disjoint
				so |incoming[m,p,v] ∪ outgoing[m,p,v]| =
           |incoming[m,p,v]| + |outgoing[m,p,v]|
					by disjoint_card
        |incoming[m,p,v]| = |outgoing[m,p,v]| by internal_in_out_equal,1
        so |incoming[m,p,v] ∪ outgoing[m,p,v]| is even by double,even_def
      so degree[m,v] is even by degree_def

eulerian_path_odd_degree: for all multigraph m,
  if for some p, eulerian_path[p,m], then |nodes_of_odd_degree[m]| <= 2
  take any multigraph m and p with eulerian_path[p,m]
		take any v in nodes[m] where degree[m,v] is odd
      so v = start[m,p] or v = stop[m,p] by internal_even,not_even_and_odd
    so for all x in nodes_of_odd_degree[m], x = start[m,p] or x = stop[m,p]
      by odd_nodes_def
    so |nodes_of_odd_degree[m]| <= 2 by card_of_two