Oak Examples



In 1641, Descartes published his Meditations on First Philosophy, together with
a series of Objections and Replies.  At the end of his Reply to the second set
of Objections, he gives several arguments "drawn up in geometrical fashion",
with numbered premises and conclusions.  Among these are three proofs of the
existence of God.  Below we formalize the second, along with his accompanying
proof that mind and body are distinct.


# PREMISES ####################################################################

axiom d2: supremely_perfect is an idea

axiom d6: mind is a substance

axiom d7: body is a substance

axiom d8: for all x, if supremely_perfect[x] then God[x]

axiom d10: for all substance x,y,
  if can_exist_apart[x,y] then really_distinct[x,y]

axiom p2: can_be_clearly_conceived_to_exist_apart[mind, body]

axiom a3: for all x, for some c, causes[c,x]

axiom a5: for all c and idea i,
  if causes[c,i] then not reality[c] < objective_reality[i]

axiom a6: for all x where not supremely_perfect[x],
  reality[x] < objective_reality[supremely_perfect]

axiom c: for all x,y,
  if can_be_clearly_conceived_to_exist_apart[x,y] then can_exist_apart[x,y]

# PROOFS ######################################################################

for some x, God[x]
  for some idea i, i = supremely_perfect by d2
  for all x, causes[x,i] implies not reality[x] < objective_reality[i] by a5
  so for all x, causes[x,i] implies supremely_perfect[x] by a6
  so for all x, causes[x,i] implies God[x] by d8
  so thesis by a3

really_distinct[mind, body]
  can_be_clearly_conceived_to_exist_apart[mind, body] by p2
  so can_exist_apart[mind, body] by c
  substance[mind] and substance[body] by d6,d7
  so thesis by d10